Precept for 2018/19 Financial Year Posted March 19, 2018 by Lisa Walker

At its Meeting on 5 February 2018, Rowlands Castle Parish Council took the decision to increase its precept by a moderate 4.9% for the next financial year starting on 1 April 2018.

The precept is the Parish Council’s share of the Council Tax. The Council is responsible for providing a range of services and facilities in the Parish. Councillors have decided that funds need to be maintained to finance a number of schemes that will benefit the community.

Chris Stanley, Chairman of the Parish Council, said “Once again, the Council has carefully considered this decision, recognising the need for financial prudence whilst ensuring that we continue to respond to issues raised by local people. We also need to factor in the cessation of EHDC’s County Tax Support Grant for this and future years, worth over £3,000 pa in the past.”

The Council wishes to tackle further traffic management and pedestrian safety issues highlighted in a 2016 Survey. It also needs to provide sufficient funding for the second half of the Parish Neighbourhood Plan development.

It also wishes to reserve funds for potential expert transport advice on how the Parish, especially those areas in the south, might best be safeguarded from the effects of anticipated development in northern Emsworth and eastern Horndean. Finally, it intends to implement year-round weekly clearance of the bins for which it is responsible, to discourage littering around the Parish.

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