Hampshire County Council (HCC) is currently running a Consultation on its proposals for the following:

To make cost savings for passenger transport services and the concessionary travel scheme, HCC is proposing to:

  • Make operational changes to the current public bus and ferry services which HCC supports, including reducing the frequency and/or days of services.
    At present Rowlands Castle is served by the No 27 public bus which connects Rowlands Castle, Havant and Emsworth, and which operates 5 times a day from Monday to Saturday, inclusive.
  • Replace some supported public bus services with alternative forms of community transport, such as Taxishares and Call and Go
  • Reduce the amount of printed material and make better use of electronic information
  • Reduce the amount of support available to organisations that provide, promote or support transport services
  • Remove the use of the Older Person’s Bus Pass on Taxishares, Dial-a-Ride and Call and Go services, which is a discretionary enhancement to the national concessionary travel scheme.
    HCC has a statutory responsibility to continue to provide FREE off-peak travel on public bus services for people with an Older Person’s Bus Pass.

To make cost savings for street lighting, HCC is proposing to switch off street lights for part of the night (2 hours or more hours) on residential streets.

For more information and a Consultation Response Form, click here or email environment.bus.review@hants.gov.uk or Call 0300 555 1388 for a copy of the Information Pack and Response Form, or to request this information in another format such as large print, audio or Braille. Rowlands Castle Parish Council has considered the proposals and will be submitting a response, which will also be published on its website in due course.

The Consultation closes Sunday 5 August 2018.

Rowlands Castle’s Parish Council Response can be found here: RCPC’s Response to HCC Consultation on Passenger Transport, Street Lighting etc August 2018 and the accompanying paper here: RCPC’s Paper Accompanying Response to HCC Consultation

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